Neighborhood Council Meetings: East Central Neighborhood Council meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, except August. Meetings are held at The Hive, 2904 E. Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202 (Feb, Mar, Apr, May), or the new Liberty Library at 402 S. Pittsburg St, Spokane, WA 99202 the rest of the year.
Anyone who lives or works in East Central Neighborhood is encouraged to attend. There are no dues or fees for membership. Attending three meetings in a five-month period brings voting rights.
Please join us!
Mission Statement: To protect and preserve the East Central Neighborhood and its quality of life through planning, visionary leadership, accountability, and neighborhood volunteers working with City of Spokane departments, agencies, and neighbors for the benefit of current and future residents with the aid and assistance of Community Development Grants and other funding sources.
East Central is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Spokane…
It was the first area to be developed outside of the downtown because of its flat land. In the late 1800’s, people began settling in the flat farmlands along East Sprague and Trent Avenue. The area was referred to as the “Park Neighborhood” and the earliest plats were Union Park and Liberty Park.
More than 600 historic homes…
As a result of this historic pattern of development, East Central has more than 600 historic homes. The neighborhood has four large parks, two of which (Liberty and Underhill), are linked by the scenic Ben Burr Trail that runs along the basalt bluff that helps define the neighborhood. Early residents were predominantly of Scandinavian descent, but since World War II, East Central has developed into the most racially diverse neighborhood in the Spokane region.
More than 1,300 businesses…
There are more than 1,300 businesses in the East Central neighborhood making it one of the largest neighborhood commercial areas outside of the downtown. East Sprague was traditionally known as the “Gateway to Spokane” but more recent growth in the Valley has created a new and challenging environment for East Central businesses. The neighborhood was divided by the building of the interstate freeway and is currently struggling with potential loss of hundreds of homes and businesses related to proposed expansion of that freeway. As a result, neighborhood preservation and economic development are high priority action areas.
The Neighborhood Council has active working groups in the following goal areas:
Please visit these other neighborhood websites